Console Players Have to Wait a Little Longer to Experience Moons of Madness’ Cosmic Horror - Videogames Blogs

Console Players Have to Wait a Little Longer to Experience Moons of Madness’ Cosmic Horror

Developer Rock Pocket Games announced its Lovecraftian-esque cosmic horror title Moons of Madness back in August 2017. At the time, it was slated for a 2018 release on console and PC platforms. It’s clearly undergone a delay or two since then, but the first-person psychological horror experience is finally on its way. Rock Pocket Games and publisher Funcom have announced Moons of Madness will hit the PC later this month on October 22nd. Meanwhile, console players have to wait a while longer. The game will land on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 21, 2020.
A brand-new trailer accompanied the release dates announcement. Check it out in the video below:

A mysterious signal from Mars leaves the Orochi corporation’s scientist befuddled. From what they can gather, the message seems to have come from intelligent life on the red planet. Orochi elects to keep the matter private and quietly crafts Invictus, a research base on Mars, with the sole purpose of deciphering the signal. This is where the player character, Shane Newehart, enters into the picture. As a mere technician on Invictus, Newehart knows nothing of what’s actually going on. His primary job is to ensure the lights stay on until another tech crew arrives to relieve him of his duties. As is always the case in this style of game, things don’t go as planned. Technology systems malfunction and Newehart’s colleagues fail to return from their assigned mission. Worse still is that Ne...

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