Control Night and Day in Side-Scroller Adventure Game Planet Alpha

Earlier today over at the PlayStation Blog, indie developer Adrian Lazar announced his upcoming side-scrolling platform adventure game Planet Alpha. The game will put players in an alien world where they have the ability to control the day and night cycle of the game. You can check out a trailer for the game below.
Lazar started developing the game on his own about four years ago, but now sports a small team that is hard at work creating the game. ?But what stayed the same from the beginning was this desire to create an immersive, living world that would awe, scare and intrigue at the same time.? he said. ?An unexplored alien planet is the perfect canvas for this so we let our imagination flow.?
For more on the upcoming Planet Alpha, make sure to check out a brief description of the game below: So we implemented a day and night cycle that we keep evolving even today, which goes way beyond the visuals, affecting every part of the gameplay. What?s more, the player has the ability to change the time of day at will, using the transformation that the planet undergoes to their advantage.
For example, deep in the dense alien jungle light barely reaches the soil, so during the day some species of mushrooms extend toward the canopy to escape the shade. If you?re observant, you can use them as platforms to reach higher places or as covers to sneak past enemies.
There is no release information for Planet Alpha as of now, but make sure to stay tuned for any new information.
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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