Daily Reaction: Marvel’s Avengers Spider-Man PlayStation Exclusivity Does the Character a Disservice - Videogames Blogs

Daily Reaction: Marvel’s Avengers Spider-Man PlayStation Exclusivity Does the Character a Disservice

After some leaks that seemed too big to be true, it was confirmed today that Spider-Man is coming to Marvel?s Avengers as a PlayStation exclusive character. He?s being added free in 2021 via an in-game event with ?unique challenges? for the hero to face, bringing his web-slinging movement and fighting style to PlayStation players? rosters of superheroes. But while the addition of the character is exciting for PlayStation fans who want one more piece of ammo in the never ending and ultimately silly console war, it ultimately doesn?t serve the character well. Instead of joining the Avengers in a meaningful role, Spidey gets demoted to guest character; just one more hammer to throw at the waves of bad guys instead of a meaningful addition to the ongoing living narrative Crystal Dynamics is building in Marvel?s Avengers. From a business perspective, it makes sense. After all, Spider-Man (and the property?s ridiculously complex deal between Sony and Marvel) has been something of a feather in Sony?s cap. Marvel?s Spider-Man as a PlayStation 4 exclusive. Marvel?s Spider-Man Miles Morales is perhaps the most anticipated PS5 launch title. The character is more or less synonymous with PlayStation now. As one of the most popular and recognizable heroes, bringing him to Marvel?s Avengers makes a lot of sense, and it?s an enormous win for Sony, who has already seen an increase in preorders for the PlayStation version of the game since this announcement. With free upgrades to the PS5 ver...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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