Daily Reaction: Should Sony Be Worried About Xbox’s Rumored July ‘Night of Mic Drops"’

Two Daily Reactions in one day" And they both cover the competition" What even is PlayStation LifeStyle anymore, amirite" To be fair, the last one was simply my hype for the New Pokemon Snap. Being a PlayStation-dedicated fan, I thought it was a notable Nintendo moment that I was really thrilled about. This one, however, is about the friction between PlayStation and Xbox as Sony and Microsoft play chicken with their next-gen console reveal strategies. A recent rumor from an insider gives us a look at Microsoft?s playbook for July?said to be a ?night of mic drops??and we?re wondering if Sony should be worried.
The rumor was reported on Wccftech. An insider by the name of eastmen dropped some bombshells on the Beyond3D forums, first talking about price and saying Microsoft could be aiming as low as $400 for the Series X and $200 for the less-powerful (and still not confirmed) Lockhart option. They also indicated that Microsoft wants to rattle not just Sony, but the entire games industry with its announcements in July. It?s apparently the culmination of a strategy built up over years, being a ?night of mic drop moments? and leading to the price reveal. Finally he adds that Lockhart is going to be small?possibly even Fire TV size?and is a ?key device in their strategy? at a low price point and small console size.
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Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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