Destiny 2’s Most Used Exotics Are Getting Nerfs and Players Aren’t Happy - Videogames Blogs

Destiny 2’s Most Used Exotics Are Getting Nerfs and Players Aren’t Happy

As the next season of content approaches for Destiny 2, players have been increasingly looking for information on the mysterious Season of Opulence and what it will bring to Destiny. At this point, we know two things for sure. We know that the Raid is going to release on day one, a first for Destiny Raids. It will launch about five hours after the reset time that day, giving everyone a pretty fair shot at going for worlds? first. The other change, announced yesterday, was a bunch of nerfs to some of Destiny 2?s most used and powerful weapons and armor. Players in the Destiny community are livid at having the crutch kicked out from under them.
Bungie explained that the reason for these nerfs comes from the power spikes being too high. These pieces of gear bypass ammo economy and super economy and basically become the defacto optimal choice, overwhelming challenging content with ease and rendering other pieces of gear useless in comparison. For reference, there are 123 Exotic weapons and armor pieces in Destiny 2 right now, and that?s not considering what gets added next season. Bungie specifically called out the names of 10 pieces of gear?four weapons and six armor?that are getting nerfs. Players are particularly upset about one of the weapons?Whisper of the Worm?and three of the armor pieces?Skull of Dire Ahamkara, Orpheus Rigs, and Phoenix Protocol.
Bungie notes that this isn?t everything that will be receiving big changes in Season of Opulence, but that they are the most...

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