Destiny 2’s Whisper of the Worm Reminded Me Why I Fell in Love With Destiny - Videogames Blogs

Destiny 2’s Whisper of the Worm Reminded Me Why I Fell in Love With Destiny

It began on Friday with a simple tweet. Somebody had found something on Io. A powerful enemy. A mysterious portal. A 20 minute timer. It didn’t take long for the community to come together to solve the puzzle. The hunt for secrets was on in Destiny 2’s secret quest, called The Whisper. When conquered, the tough mission rewarded players with Whisper of the Worm, an Exotic sniper rifle that rivals many of even the best original exotic weapons in Destiny 1. Come Monday morning, the anomaly on Io had disappeared, leaving this powerful gun as a mere whisper among players that were able to overcome the challenge (it will be returning in the near future). This weekend was about far more than an exotic weapon, however. It was a reminder of why players fell in love with Destiny in the first place. There have been a few moments in Destiny’s history that will always be iconic for players, spurring discussion around things like “where were you when Xur sold Gjallarhorn"” Unlike a normal single-player game, Destiny is about the moments players experience in real time. The state of the world is always changing, and logging in to play can present a wildly different experience at regular intervals. The launch of Whisper of the Worm has easily embedded itself in the history of notable Destiny moments. Players will always remember where they were this weekend, and whether they managed to get the sniper immediately, or if they had to wait for the event to c...

Rainswept - Launch Trailer | PS4
