Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost Salvages Destiny’s Worst Content, Seeing the Infinite Forest For the Trees - Videogames Blogs

Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost Salvages Destiny’s Worst Content, Seeing the Infinite Forest For the Trees

The past year has been a storied one for Bungie and Destiny 2. Launch was great but longtime fans were soured by the endgame (or lack thereof). Through Bungie began making changes quickly, a lot of the first expansion?Curse of Osiris?was already in the pipe at that point. There was little the studio could do except release what’s widely considered to be Destiny’s worst content expansion and continue to push forward. The song has changed quite a bit recently. Forsaken is highly regarded as bringing Destiny to the best state it’s ever been, but it wasn’t so long ago that the game was at its lowest point.
Curse of Osiris had a few problems, but one of the central ideas that flopped was the concept of the Infinite Forest on Mercury. Early marketing painted a picture of something that could be, well, infinite. Players imagined what a horde mode or other activities could look like inside of a place that was literally designed as a Vex simulation of reality. What we got was something far more tame. The Infinite Forest was nothing more than a few repetitive building blocks that acted as filler from one point to another for a set of Strikes, Heroic Adventures, and story missions. Most players talk about how much they hate running any content on Mercury. They’ll rush through the Infinite Forest as quickly as possible, letting the dull Vex architecture whiz by on the way to their true goals, whether it be iterations of Mercury past and future, or massi...

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