Destiny 2 Players Locked Out of Platinum Trophy If They Don’t Own Curse of Osiris - Videogames Blogs

Destiny 2 Players Locked Out of Platinum Trophy If They Don’t Own Curse of Osiris

With the release of Curse of Osiris on Tuesday, Destiny 2 players were treated to a bunch of new content alongside some endgame changes to the pseudo-MMO shooter. One of the primary changes is an increase to the level cap, both player level and gear. With Destiny 2’s Power level (the aggregate score of all equipped gear) now jumping up to 330–or 335 with mods attached–from the base game’s 300, that means that endgame activities are seeing an increase too. That means that the Destiny 2 Platinum trophy is now unobtainable without the expansion.
Two of Destiny 2’s toughest activities are the Prestige Raid and Prestige Nightfall Strike. The Nightfall rotates weekly between the available Strikes, including combat modifiers and a timer. Prestige is a higher level and more constrained time limits. The Prestige Leviathan Raid features tougher enemies and slightly different mechanics that can make some of the encounters a little more difficult to complete. Without the Curse of Osiris expansion, players are stuck at the previous Power level cap of 300 (305), but the Prestige difficulty activities have moved up to requiring a Power level of 330, meaning they require the Curse of Osiris expansion to complete. Destiny 2 has a Gold trophy called “The Prestige” which requires players to “Complete the Leviathan Raid or a Nightfall Strike on Prestige difficulty.” As of Tuesday December 5, this trophy is now completely unobtainable for a...

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