Destiny 2 Seasonal Crucible Ranks Explained, Reworked Matchmaking Coming May 8 - Videogames Blogs

Destiny 2 Seasonal Crucible Ranks Explained, Reworked Matchmaking Coming May 8

On May 8, along with the Warmind expansion, Season 3 of content, and a massive Exotic weapon overhaul, Destiny 2 will be bringing a ranked system to the Crucible. Destiny 2’s PVP mode has long needed some kind of ranking system to incentivize longer term play, and Bungie finally detailed how the ranking system will work.
If you play a game like Overwatch, you’ll already be pretty familiar with how the Destiny 2 Crucible ranking system is structured. On one side is Valor, a ranking that only goes up and is designed to highlight time commitment that people make to the Crucible. On the other is Glory, a ranking that can go up or down based on wins, losses, and streaks, and will determine your skill level. Both rankings have six sub-levels (Guardian, Brave, Heroic, Fabled, Mythic, and Legend) with rewards granted as each level is reached. On the Valor side, points cap out at 2000, but you can reset your rank once you reach that (similar to Prestige in Call of Duty). Certain rewards will require rank resets a certain number of times, but there is no cap to the number of times you can reset. If you go on a win streak, you will get a bonus that increases up to five wins. You can increase Valor by playing in the Quickplay, Rumble, and Mayhem playlists.
Glory is more difficult to increase and requires real skill with PVP. The points cap out at 5500, going up with wins and win streaks, but down with losses and loss streaks. Bonus points are granted in the first four le...

This Week on Xbox: February 10, 2017
