Destiny 2 Second Expansion Name and Release Date Revealed, Development Roadmap Extended to September,

Now that the “Go Fast” update is live, there’s nothing left to do but wait for Destiny 2 Season 3, which will bring the second expansion and another major update full of fixes and changes. The  Destiny 2 roadmap previously halted at May’s content release, but Bungie took a moment yesterday to extend that plan out to September.
Expansion 2–now titled simply Warmind–will be releasing on May 8, a date that was predicted by many players. Along with Warmind, Destiny 2 update 1.2.0 will be hitting, bringing with it seasonal Crucible rankings, increase to vault space, multi-emote functionality, and the huge exotic weapon sandbox update. The exotic armor has been pulled from that update and will now come sometime later in the summer. We’ll also be getting heroic strike modifiers after they were delayed from the previous update. May 8 will also kick off Season 3, which should bring new content, armor, and cosmetics. There aren’t any details on Season 3 yet, but I expect we’ll hear from Bungie soon enough about what changes are coming to seasonal content.
Pushing out to the summer, Bungie is teasing a brand new seasonal event and bounties, which will hopefully add enough content to hold players over until September. The last node on the development roadmap puts gear collections, records, weapon slot changes and randomization, and a mysterious “and more (yet to be revealed)” line near the bottom. September will laun...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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