Detroit: Become Human Screenshots and Videos Can’t be Shared Using Share Button - Videogames Blogs

Detroit: Become Human Screenshots and Videos Can’t be Shared Using Share Button

Here’s a bizarre twist on a familiar problem. Often developers will impose certain restrictions on portions of their games that they don’t want being shared for spoiler purposes. The restrictions will actually block out any kind of recording functionality from the PS4, so that the console won’t even take a screenshot or capture video while in these blocked scenes. Detroit: Become Human doesn’t have these restrictions. You can snap screenshots, take video, and otherwise capture moments from the game to store to your PS4, you just can’t do anything with them from there.
For our reviews, we usually try to upload our own gameplay footage to allow you to see what the game looks like running on a home console, rather than the marketing trailers and gameplay that studios will put out. We feel this helps you make a more informed decision about the game. I usually just hold the Share button down while hovering over a short video file, and set it uploading to our YouTube channel. Anyone who has every shared a trophy screenshot or short gameplay video to Twitter is familiar with the process. When I attempted to upload some brief gameplay footage from early in Detroit’s story for my review, I was met with a screen that said “Captures that cannot be used with this feature are selected.” I tried screenshots, videos, and even a Share Factory video that had Detroit footage in it, and was met with the same message every time. For thorough tes...

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