Devil May Cry 5 Website Now on Capcom Servers, E3 Announcement Imminent"

Remember earlier this week when we reported that the Devil May Cry 5 domain was registered" The registrar used for the domain is the same one Capcom uses, though that’s not necessarily a smoking gun. Well it turns out that registration definitely wasn’t some random buying up the site. According to gaming journalist and sleuth Mystic on Twitter, is now being hosted on dedicated Capcom servers.
BREAKING: Devil May Cry 5 domain now on dedicated Capcom servers.
? Mystic (@MysticDistance) June 7, 2018
Clicking on the link (or typing in the address) takes you to a 404 page with no website currently found. It’s expected that the website is set to go live during or shortly after an E3 announcement of the game. Mystic went on to explain some of the more technical aspects of the server hosting.
If you go to with the “www” included, you will now be redirected to a 404 page. The site has an IP and is hosted on an AWS server with IPV4 and IPv6 addresses. It’s happening. It’s beyond a done deal.
? Mystic (@MysticDistance) June 7, 2018
“It’s happening. It’s beyond a done deal.” With those two sentences, Mystic seems quite certain the Devil May Cry 5 is effectively confirmed now. Of course, nothing’s set in stone until the developer announces it officially (and even then, worse things have happened), but this latest bit of evidence lines up with...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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