Devs Can Set Specific Frames for Trophy Screenshots with PS4 ‘Screenshot Cache’ Function

Every time you earn a trophy on your PS4, the system takes a screenshot to commemorate the moment, kind of like taking a picture while you?re on vacation. When you dig through your trophy list, you can view the attached screenshots to recall not only the accomplishment but exactly how it happened. For trophy hunters, this feature can offer a fun trip down memory lane. But so many games are plagued by trophy screenshots that are black loading screens, blurry images, or altogether uninteresting and not representative of the moment the trophy was earned. Disappointing screenshots are most prevalent in story-related trophies, which usually pop as the screen fades to black to load the next chapter, scene, or moment in the game. However, the PS4 actually has functionality built in that developers can use to take better trophy screenshots. In an interview with The Broken Road blog, Days Gone Lead Open World Designer Eric Jensen revealed a hidden tool that developers can use to make sure scripted story-based trophy screenshots (or basically any trophy that pops at a specific moment in a game) don?t fall into the trap of being black loading screens or irrelevant images that fail to capture the moment. The PS4 screenshot cache function lets a developer capture a keyframe from a cinematic before the trophy actually pops and then attach it to the trophy once it does unlock for the player. Both Days Gone and Marvel?s Spider-Man used this technique to ensure story-based trophy screensho...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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