Devs Share Their Thoughts on The Last Guardian and Its Development - Videogames Blogs

Devs Share Their Thoughts on The Last Guardian and Its Development

In just a few short weeks, The Last Guardian will finally — finally — be released and played by all those looking forward to it; fans and developers alike. Speaking of which, notable developers from different studios weigh in on The Last Guardian.
Before you read what developers from Naughty Dog, Guerilla Games, etc. have to say, you can also watch a The Last Guardian tribute video that was shown to Tokyo Game Show attendees last month above. Watched it" Good! Now on to the developer comments.
 ?Ico was the first videogame ever for me to care about an AI character, Yorda. There were no conversations that I could understand between the characters, just the behavior of Yorda in relation to what I did, or the situation presented, that made me feel like Yorda was a living person ? thinking and feeling as an individual. This made playing through Ico a very special experience ? like I lived through the adventure with her. ?I believe, as a fan of Ueda-san?s games, that people feel like his work is special because you clearly feel the game was ? from beginning to end ? a singular vision, without any influence of popular genres or styles at the time.?
? Shuhei Yoshida (President of SIE Worldwide Studios)
?Team Ico creates timeless masterpieces that remind me of a long-loved picture book or a fairytale. I?m especially a big fan of their fantastic animations.
?We at Team Ninja have also put great effort into creating smooth action for a long time. I feel real and wa...

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