Director Confirms The Division Film Is Still Happening and Currently in ‘Script Phase’ - Videogames Blogs

Director Confirms The Division Film Is Still Happening and Currently in ‘Script Phase’

In the summer 2016, Ubisoft confirmed plans to develop a film adaptation of The Division starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Chastain. Little else has been reported about the project since then, apart from a shuffle of directors. (Traffic?s Stephen Gaghan dropped out of the picture to later be replaced by Deadpool 2 helmer, David Leitch.) During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter for his most recent project, Hobbs & Shaw, Leitch offered an update about The Division film?s progress. Apparently, the movie is still a go and is in the ?script phase? of development.
When asked whether The Division film could be his next project, Leitch said that it could be. For now, it seems nothing is quite set in stone, especially since everyone?s schedule needs to line up accordingly. Still, he told the publication, ?[the scriptwriting] process is accelerating quickly.? Leitch shared the following with THR,
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