Discover the Secrets of the Dreaming City in Latest Destiny 2: Forsaken Trailer - Videogames Blogs

Discover the Secrets of the Dreaming City in Latest Destiny 2: Forsaken Trailer

We’ve got less than a month to go before Forsaken launches, and Bungie is starting to ramp up their information pipeline on the Destiny 2 expansion. The latest release is a trailer featuring the Dreaming City, Forsaken’s massive endgame location. The Dreaming City is the Awoken homeland that has never been open to outsiders until now. After Forsaken’s main campaign, events will bring us to this location, where we’ll be spending a lot of our time. It not only houses the Raid, but plenty of other secrets and activities for players to discover once they’ve exacted revenge on Cayde’s killer. You can get a glimpse at one of Destiny 2’s biggest mysteries below.

Bungie is known for filling their trailers with secrets, hints, and Easter eggs. The entire Dreaming City evokes a feeling that’s straight out of Lord of the Rings. Keen-eyed players have already scoured this trailer frame by frame, filling the Destiny subreddit with theory after theory. They’ve noticed Taken Tech Witches, which all but guarantees that Queen Mara Sov will make some kind of appearance. Interesting new armor has been seen, and there’s some speculation that the beast at the center of the city is actually an Ahamkara. For the unintiated, that’s an ancient and extinct race of dragons. The Raid lead may have dropped a hint about the final Raid boss on Twitter last month, whether he meant to or not. If you’re not playing Destiny 2 this mont...

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