Fallout 76 Road Map Hints of a Better Reclamation Day to Come

Whether you have or haven?t been enjoying Fallout 76, Bethesda has no plans to stop supporting their recently released online multiplayer set within the famed Wastes. In a post on Bethesda?s site, the studio assures that they have ??seen your feedback, taken note of issues, and value the time you have taken to provide your thoughts and report problems.? Having said that, they?ve taken the liberty of detailing some upcoming features and fixes that players can expect in the future, starting with a patch on November 19, 2018.
This first patch will focus primarily on game performance and stability on all platforms, and will also come with a list of fixes to quests, UI, C.A.M.P.s, and more that will be detailed with full patch notes next week. Bethesda is expecting this update to be rather large compared to future updates. Updates will vary in size, they?ve said, but should continue to be smaller by comparison. A stash limit increase is also inbound. The current cap exists solely for technical reasons, but ideas are being implemented for both short and long-term solutions that they hope won?t risk game stability.
New articles highlighting events, content, and features will be released each week to keep players updated on what?s happening behind the scenes. New content and game systems will be added to improve the experience in Appalachia, like new ways to improve C.A.M.P.s, ways to create, team-up, and faction-based PvP, but don’t expect these until sometime in 2019. Hope...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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