Fatal Twelve Will Be Released in Japan With an English Language Option - Videogames Blogs

Fatal Twelve Will Be Released in Japan With an English Language Option

While a Western release for the upcoming PlayStation 4 version of Fatal Twelve has not yet been announced, it has been confirmed that it will be released in Japan with an English language option! This means that even more fans will get the chance to experience this upcoming visual novel for themselves. It will debut on August 8, 2019, but it?s available to preorder on Play-Asia right now.
This news may not necessarily be surprising, as the PC release in 2018 launched with both Japanese and English text options. However, it is exciting to know that this visual novel will be even more accessible. Considering the focus on narrative and dialogue, this means many will be able to pick it up. The PS4 is region-free, so you?ll be able to import this title to experience yourself with a preorder from Play-Asia.
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URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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