For Honor Update 1.17 Features Balancing Changes, View the Patch Notes - Videogames Blogs

For Honor Update 1.17 Features Balancing Changes, View the Patch Notes

For Honor update 1.17 is set to release today, and it brings with it some big balancing changes to the game. For example, the Shaman now has reduced ability to track opponents around corners, and several bugs have been fixed. It’s a pretty huge patch, and there’s plenty to look over.
Check out the For Honor update 1.17 patch notes below:
?Predator’s Hunger?, ?Predator’s Mercy? and ?Wild Cat’s Rage? now have reduced ability to track opponent.
Developer Comments: This is meant to fix the situations in which she tracks you around corners.
?Predator’s Hunger?, ?Predator’s Mercy? and ?Wild Cat’s Rage? cancels to combat idle has been increased to 24 stamina (from 10). ?Predator’s Hunger?, ?Predator’s Mercy? and ?Wild Cat’s Rage? now have 100ms shorter windows to cancel the strike. Developer Comments: This is to make her commit more to these moves.
?Predator’s Hunger’s? and ?Predator?s Mercy? attack strike range slightly reduced.
Developer Comments: This reduces how far away the Shaman can be to hit the Predator’s Moves against a backwards-moving opponent. This visually used to appear to miss, but counted as a hit.
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where ?Predator’s Hunger? would look strange when hitting an opponent who did not react. [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug that prevented Shaman from successfully using Deflect against external attackers. [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the ?Rave...

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