Fortnite Season 4 Week 5 Battle Pass Tasks LEAKS! Challenge List Updated! - Videogames Blogs

Fortnite Season 4 Week 5 Battle Pass Tasks LEAKS! Challenge List Updated!

Tomorrow, May 29, 2018, marks the changes in this season?s Battle Pass tasks, as season 4 week 5 rolls in on Fortnite Battle Royale. However, players looking to practice and complete all the tasks to be presented might have a slight edge again this time, as the tasks have been leaked, via Fortnite Tracker.
These are the challenges that will be available tomorrow, according the site:

Deal damage with SMGs to opponents (500)
Search Chests in Dusty Divot (7)
Use a Jetpack (1)
Search Gravity Stones (7)
Follow the treasure map found in Greasy Grove (1) (HARD)
Minigun or Light Machine Gun Eliminations (2) (HARD)
Eliminate opponents in Lucky Landing (3) (HARD)

Fornite Tracker?s leaked challenges list have turned out to be accurate, based on other challenge lists it had predicted before. There is a good change that the list above will be going live, so you might want to practice now before week 5 for the Battle Pass season rolls in tomorrow. These challenges will be going live tomorrow, alongside update 4.3, which might include the brand-new Playground Limited Time Mode. We have covered news about this mode here, so have a read if you are curious on what this new LTM brings. Here?s a quick overview of what Playground is:
Playground, the most interesting out of all those new content, is a Limited Time mode that will load players into the Battle Royale map, but with more time to roam around the map. There will be more available resources, all the treasure chests and ammo crates wi...

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