Fortnite Update 6.21 Floats in With a Balloon Item and an End to Fortnitemares - Videogames Blogs

Fortnite Update 6.21 Floats in With a Balloon Item and an End to Fortnitemares

Last week, Fortnitemares added Cube fiends and fragments to Battle Royale. Now Fortnitemares is coming to an end on Sunday, November 4 at 1 pm EST, thanks to the arrival of Fortnite update 6.21. If you’re in-match at that time, you’ll get to experience “an event,” although the details about what that will entail are unknown.
Thanks to this update, you can achieve new heights with balloons, Fortnite‘s latest item. Clown around and add some air to your shopping cart leaps or simply levitate towards your opponents. But be careful, as balloons will pop naturally or under enemy fire.  These items have an Epic level of rarity and can be found in floor loot, chests, supply drops, supply llamas, and vending machines. It comes with twenty deployable balloons. The more balloons you’re holding, the higher you’ll float, and players can hold up to six balloons at any given time.
Say goodbye to the semi-auto sniper, guided missile, and dual pistols. However, these now-vaulted items will still be available in Playground Mode.
Glider re-deploy will remain a feature in all Fortnite modes, though it has been met with some criticism from players. But an audio update now makes it easier to hear gliders while shooting or harvesting, so hopefully that helps.
You can read the patch notes in their entirety below.


Added support for newer versions of PS4 and Xbox One controllers on Mac

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where holding do...

Inspiring New Worlds Livecast | PS4 Pro
