Geoff Keighley Opens Up About No Man’s Sky on Live Show, Says the Game is Unfinished and Repetitive - Videogames Blogs

Geoff Keighley Opens Up About No Man’s Sky on Live Show, Says the Game is Unfinished and Repetitive

If you’ve been following No Man’s Sky, you’ll remember that the game was first revealed to the public during Geoff Keighley’s VGX Awards in December 2013. The game’s rocky release and post-release controversy has been one of the most widely discussed topics in the games industry this year, and Geoff Keighley himself finally opened up about it during his recently inaugurated live show with YouTube.
Keighley, who believes that a small studio shipping No Man’s Sky is a “stunning achievement,” revealed that he had several issues with the game during its development. At one point, Hello Games’ Sean Murray didn’t want to be around him much because Keighley was apparently “too negative” in his assessment of the game as the studio was under immense pressure. “I felt like these guys had no idea where they were going to go but they had this huge amount of momentum,” Keighley said about No Man’s Sky‘s first showing in 2013. “I honestly resisted saying anything about this game for the better part of the last year because I?ve been internally conflicted about what I saw happening, and I?ve played a role in this.”
Keighley was quick to clarify that he doesn’t think No Man’s Sky is a bad game. He just feels that it’s “unfinished,” “repetitive,” and wasn’t worthy of the $60 price tag. He further said:
We all wanted to believe in No M...

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