Get a Look at One of the Control Boss Battles - Videogames Blogs

Get a Look at One of the Control Boss Battles

During EGX 2018, Remedy’s Vida Starcevic sat down with PlayStation Access to show off Control gameplay. Much of the footage has been previously seen. However, there is a section towards the end that debuts a boss battle of sorts. In addition to showcasing new footage, Starcevic also offered more details about gameplay and Control’s story.
Protagonist Jesse Faden arrives at the Bureau for a job interview. In typical Remedy fashion, everything goes terribly wrong. A supernatural enemy known as the Hiss kills the Bureau’s director. Consequently, Jesse must take over the role of director. Interestingly, the enemies shown are people possessed by the Hiss. According to Starcevic, once the Hiss gain control, there’s no way to save the possessed individual.
Jesse’s supernatural abilities and service weapon help her navigate through the bizarre world of the Oldest House, Control’s setting. Both Jesse’s abilities and her gun are upgradeable. The gun has “several different forms,” two of which are on display in this new footage. One form, “grip,” acts as a standard pistol setting. “Shatter” is the other and appears to have a spread resembling that of a shotgun.
Jesse’s telekinetic abilities have a cooldown. However, Starcevic noted these details are a work in progress. She also explained that since the recording of this footage, things have changed that Remedy’s not yet ready to unveil. A new a...

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