Get More Out of Overcooked 2 with New Game+ - Videogames Blogs

Get More Out of Overcooked 2 with New Game+

It’s already difficult enough to get three stars on every level in Overcooked 2, but some of you out there are real kitchen monsters and already looking for the next challenge. Luckily enough, that new challenge is coming sooner, rather than later, as publisher Team17 has announced a New Game+ mode for Overcooked 2.
Once the update lands, players will be able to access New Game+ upon completion of the normal game. This will allow players to replay all the levels (forty-five of them to be exact) and earn a fourth star. If you haven’t already been defeated by the madness that is striving for three stars in each level, you will soon be able to flip your burgers even closer to the sun. It’s worth noting that this is a full restart, so ambitious New Game+ players will have to journey through the Overcooked 2 map again, one stage at a time.
As of now, there’s no release date information for New Game+, but the PC version’s mode will arrive in late September 2018. The  Team17 announcement post does follow up the news with a promise that Overcooked 2 doesn’t stop here. More updates and additional content are planned, so stay tuned for whatever comes next in the world of screaming at your friends because they dropped a pile of tomato slices off of a hot air balloon.


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