Get Ready for Iceborne with a Monster Hunter: World Free Trial - Videogames Blogs

Get Ready for Iceborne with a Monster Hunter: World Free Trial

Monster Hunter: World is gearing up for a major expansion this Fall, but if you haven?t become a hunter yet, now?s the time to do so. Capcom is giving players a free trial of its hugely popular 2018 game, allowing them to get a taste of hunting monsters for themselves. The trial is live now, and lasts until May 20th. It?s available exclusively on the PlayStation 4.
The trial lets players experience the beginnings of the Monster Hunter: World adventure. You can create your own hunter and Palico, and go on missions to take down some monsters. The trial lasts until the completion of the Tobi-Kadachi Quest at Hunter Rank 4, which gives players plenty of time to take in this world. With the Spring Blossom Festival happening right now, new players will even get to see Monster Hunter: World decked out in its Springtime best.
Of course, the whole point is to get new players to try out the full Monster Hunter: World game, and those interested should be happy to know that all progress will carry over. It?s (probably not coincidentally) on sale right now for $19.99, which means a transition to the full experience should be relatively smooth.


More than a year after launch, Capcom is still going all-in on Monster Hunter: World. It?s not necessarily surprising, considering it recently became Capcom?s best-selling game ever. The Iceborne expansion, which adds all ...

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