Gintama Rumble’s Trophy List is Shockingly Generic - Videogames Blogs

Gintama Rumble’s Trophy List is Shockingly Generic

The Gintama Rumble trophy list is now live on PSN Profiles, and it’s surprisingly generic. For a series as ridiculously over the top as Gintama, one would expect to do some funny things to earn trophies, but that isn’t really the case. Instead, the list is as basic as it gets and players get rewarded for simply clearing missions. That said, some of the personality of the show does come across in the trophy titles.
Check out the full Gintama Rumble trophy list below:

Those who protect everything

Acquired all trophies.



Acquired S rating for all Gintama Chronicles scenarios.
People are more free than they would believe

Unlocked all skills for all playable characters.
We’ll return for sure

Collected all Super Silver Orbs.

I’ll do anything for this guy

Unlocked all Gintama Chronicles Achievements.
Once the flag waves, it’s goodbye

Viewed all Gintama Chronicles Special Finishes.
The Best Disciple

Carried out maximum upgrades for a single playable character.
What fine adults we’ve become

Unlocked all playable characters.
City of Iron

Cleared Kabukicho Ultimate Rumble with all playable characters.
Shall we reminisce about the good old days"

Completed all Gintama Motion Pictures.


A Monster’s Child

Cleared Prologue.
The stupidest samurai In the universe!

Cleared the Chronicle Benizakura.
Here on earth, dawn always follows the night

Cleared the Chronicle Yoshiwara In Flames.

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