God Eater 3 Has Some Conservative Post-Launch Plans - Videogames Blogs

God Eater 3 Has Some Conservative Post-Launch Plans

After officially being confirmed for the west, God Eater 3 has revealed its plans following its February 8, 2019 launch. In addition to the post-launch maintenance that has become a staple in modern gaming, additional character customization and side-missions will give players a reason to keep playing even after they’ve finished the main campaign.
The team is considering adding even heartier updates that would add extra story content, new enemies, and/or an additional ally NPC. These plans are kept intentionally vague, to give the developers the freedom to experiment and respond to community needs and demands on the fly.
Post-launch content is likely being worked on now, and not every idea will come to fruition or make sense to include in the months following the game’s release. Rather than promise something it can’t deliver, shouldn’t deliver, or would need to delay, Bandai Namco and GE Project are taking a conservative approach to these post-launch plans. And in today’s market, that just might be the right move. Below are the post-launch plans outlined on GamesTalk and translated by Gematsu:

Additional Character Customization Elements ? Hair styles, accessories, and clothing will be added via update(s).
Assault Mission Update(s) ? Depending on gameplay status after launch, additional features will be added via update(s).
Additional Side Missions ? Additional side missions will be added via update(s). System-level additions are also bein...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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