God of War Sales ‘Significantly Exceed’ Sony’s Expectations - Videogames Blogs

God of War Sales ‘Significantly Exceed’ Sony’s Expectations

While fans are out here discovering the game’s final secret, Sony has announced during the company’s conference call that God of War sales have significantly exceeded expectations. At Sony’s conference call for financial investors, Sony’s Chief Financial Officer Hiroki Totoki provided a few interesting tidbits about the performance of PlayStation games.
Totoki leads with some information about how the distribution of video games was the primary factor in the notable increase in the company’s revenue forecast for the full fiscal year. Totoki states that the yearly forecast for PS4 software sales saw an uptick because of God of War sales. In addition to an uptick in PS4 software sales, Totoki confirms that the games revealed at E3 2018 “are receiving strong feedback.” The NPD Group (formerly National Purchase Diary Panel Inc. and NPD Research Inc.)?which tracks sales across a multitude of industries, including video games?revealed that, in May 2018, God of War was a top-seller second only to Undead Labs’ State of Decay 2, which came out toward the end of that month. Clearly, Sony Santa Monica has achieved something spectacular with this new God of War reboot.

URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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