Godfall’s Latest Patch Fixes Issues Introduced by the Primal Update Including Ascendant Trophy - Videogames Blogs

Godfall’s Latest Patch Fixes Issues Introduced by the Primal Update Including Ascendant Trophy

Godfall‘s much-awaited Primal Update added more endgame challenges and a new loot category among other content last month. However, the update also brought with it a number of issues, like the Ascendant trophy not unlocking properly. The good news is, Counterplay Games has resolved these issues via a patch that went live on March 18th.
Patch notes are as follows:

Solved an issue where the Ascendant Trophy/Achievement (Complete 20 floors in the Tower of Trials) would not unlock appropriately. Note: Players that have previously completed this challenge should retroactively receive this Trophy/Achievement once they enter any mission.
Solved an issue where interacting with the augment selection screen while having more than four pages of augments would cause significant stuttering and other performance problems. Solved a crash that could occur when equipping an augment that had a scaling attribute trait.
Solved an issue where some Ascension powers were lost after switching characters or rebooting the game.
Solved an issue where the ?+1% Loot Bonus? Ascension trait did not total to 5% when maxed out.
Solved an issue where Boon upgrades were stacking with previous versions of themselves rather than being set to the current boon level value. In other words, if a Level 1 Boon gave +5, and Level 2 gave +10, the error would give players +15 instead of the intended +10.
Solved an issue where certain Banes would incorrectly appear under the Boons section.
Solved an issue where d...
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