Guns, Religion, and Fanaticism: A Day in Hope County – Hands-On With Far Cry 5

Before the helicopter even landed, I was getting chills. We were heading to Hope County, Montana to arrest Joseph Seed, a cult leader known as The Father, surrounded by the protection of his fanatical followers. Something didn’t feel right though. We were there to arrest one man, so why did it feel like we needed an army" We were allowed to land in the compound and walk to the church relatively unchecked, piercing glares from gun-toting cultists the only thing that followed us. Despite warnings from the sheriff, we do things loud. Approaching the front of the church, the US Marshall announces his intent to arrest Joseph Seed. The Father is eerily calm, framed by his two brothers and sister, as if daring us to lay a hand on him.
Following numerous overtures about how God will save him, I clamp the cuffs on The Father and begin the perp walk back to the helicopter. His followers are agitated, and it doesn’t take long before a shot rings out and all hell breaks loose. We run quickly to the chopper and take-off, still accosted by throngs of people with a single intent: Save The Father. Bodies dangle from the lower supports. One man propels himself into the helicopter blades, showering the windshield in blood and sending the helicopter crashing to the ground. The other law enforcement officers are dragged away, but I narrowly escape. Far Cry 5 opens by putting you right in the mouth of the dragon, facing The Father and his siblings.
It might seem like an over-t...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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