Here’s Why 2K Games Spent 10 Months Investigating a YouTuber’s Borderlands 3 Leaks - Videogames Blogs

Here’s Why 2K Games Spent 10 Months Investigating a YouTuber’s Borderlands 3 Leaks

Borderlands YouTuber SupMatto revealed he was a victim of a copyright investigation by 2K and Take-Two Interactive. 2K accused the YouTuber of leaking Borderlands 3 details on his channel, which infringed the company?s copyrights, and noted that some of his actions were even illegal. As it turns out, this investigation dated back to 2018, when SupMatto first began publishing Borderlands 3 leak videos on his channel.
During SupMatto?s video, he stated that he was visited by two private investigators who questioned him about his Borderlands 3 content.

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