Here Are Eight Things You Might Have Missed During the Detroit: Become Human Demo

In case you didn?t know, last week the folks at Quantic Dream released a Detroit: Become Human demo onto the PlayStation Store, allowing players to check out the hostage scene from the opening of the game. While many have likely already played through the scenario, Quantic Dream has recently revealed a list of things you might have missed if you weren?t keeping a sharp eye out for everything.
Over at the PlayStation Blog, Guillaume de Fondaumiere – the co-CEO of Quantic Dream – has revealed eight tiny details you might have missed in the demo if you weren?t paying careful attention. While some of them are pretty hard to guess even if you did notice, a couple of them are simply just nice nods to other real-world occurrences. You can check out the eight details below, and make sure to let us know in the comments if you noticed any of them during your playthrough:
1. The coin
Connor?s coin is an American Quarter, bearing the iconic profile of George Washington.
How the android came by this particular coin remains to be seen, but his dexterous display in the elevator is not just for show: Connor runs through this routine to calibrate his physical and cognitive functions, sharpening himself for the challenge ahead.
2. The fish
The Dwarf Gourami or Trichogaster Lalius, to give it its Latin name.
With the onset of climate change and widespread species extinction, real pets are increasingly rare and a marker of affluence.
Most exotic species can only be experienced n...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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