Here are the (Extensive) Preliminary Patch Notes for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers - Videogames Blogs

Here are the (Extensive) Preliminary Patch Notes for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers

By this point, it?s not a stretch to say Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is one of, if not the most ambitious expansion in the MMO?s relatively short history. From new jobs to the new races, it looks as if Square Enix really is going all-out on this new chapter. Ahead of its July 2nd release, the publisher has released the preliminary patch notes for the expansion, known as Patch 5.0. These patch notes give us a clear look at what exactly will be changing in the expansion. Take a look at everything being added at the Shadowbringers launch right here. Be warned, however, these are some dense patch notes:

Playable Content


New cities have been added.

The Crystarium

New field areas have been added.

Amh Araeng
Il Mheg
The Rak?tika Greatwood
New city and field aetherytes have been added.


New main scenario quests have been added.
New side story quests have been added.

Side story quests added in patch 5.0 will now employ an automatic level adjust system known as Quest Sync.
Quests using this system will have their difficulty and EXP rewards adjusted to match your current level.

* Certain side story quests do not use Quest Sync.

Role quests have been added.

Paladin / Warrior / Dark Knight / Gunbreaker

The Man with Too Many Scars
Any tank level 70

The Crystarium (X:10.5 Y:16.2)


Players must progress to a certain point in the main scenario.
Monk / Dragoon / Ninja / Samurai / Bard / Machinist / Dancer

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