Inside Trump Video Game Meeting: Attendees Watch Demo Reel of Violent Video Games - Videogames Blogs

Inside Trump Video Game Meeting: Attendees Watch Demo Reel of Violent Video Games

The opening of the Trump video game meeting about the connection between gun violence and violent video games was framed by an 88-second long video compilation of violent scenes from various games. Melissa Henson, a spokesperson for the Parents Television Council, said that the video, punctuated by comments from Trump pointing out how violent the scenes were, shocked the group to silence. Following the video, Trump asked the group for their comments and thoughts.
“Those from the video game industry were quick to defend [the video games] saying they were meant for a mature audience and that they weren’t intended for kids to see,” Henson said in a press call following the meeting. According to Glixel, neither Henson nor any of the other anti-video game advocates in attendance could name any of the games that the scenes came from. Henson continued by saying that the hour-long meeting ended with no real outcome. her group believes that video games are one of three core causes of violence in America, and there was a clear sense that this was not the only time Trump intended to meet to discuss the topic. Henson criticized those in attendance from the video game industry. “What I heard in today?s meeting is that the entertainment industry is still fighting to maintain the status quo and is not ready or willing to confront the impact that media violence has on our children.? No psychologists, researchers, or scholars qualified to make that assessment were ...

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