It’s Time to Start Planning for Awesome Games Done Quick 2019 - Videogames Blogs

It’s Time to Start Planning for Awesome Games Done Quick 2019

It’s that time of the year again! The increasingly popular speedrunning-slash-charity drive event is happening in Rockville, Maryland, from January 6 – 13, 2019. There are a lot of moving parts involved in running a Games Done Quick, and the January version with the “Awesome” branding (rather than the Summer show) is seen as the “core” event, therefore bigger. Parts of the lead-up to Awesome Games Done Quick include submitting games, volunteering, registering as an attendee, and of course the actual release of the games list and hotel details. Today is the day, as all of that and more have been announced.
Here’s the full rundown in handy, bullet form:

Game and Volunteer Submissions: August 25 – September 4 Attendee Registration: September 29
Hotel Announcement/Reservations: September 29
Games List: September 29
Schedule: October 8
Prize Submissions: October 8

The release of the games list and hotel information happening on the same day is a welcome change, something that has been asked for by the Games Done Quick fanbase for quite some time.
With the exception of the very first event, Awesome Games Done Quick has been centered around the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Since 2014, the event has drawn over one million dollars every year, with the past two events racking up more than two million. Summer Games Done Quick is catching up fast, and has spent the past several years working with Doctors Without Borders.


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