It’s Too Early to Say What Cyberpunk 2077 Can Achieve on Current-Gen Consoles, Says Dev - Videogames Blogs

It’s Too Early to Say What Cyberpunk 2077 Can Achieve on Current-Gen Consoles, Says Dev

It’s safe to say that Cyberpunk 2077 was the star of this year’s E3. One of the most talked about games, CD Projekt RED’s upcoming title earned a lot of praise, especially for its breathtaking visuals. This led many to question whether the developer is targeting a release on current-gen platforms or not, with some speculating that it’ll be out on the next iteration of consoles – whenever that may be.
When Games Industry quizzed CEO Marcin Iwinski about this, he revealed that Cyberpunk 2077 is running on the next generation of CD Projekt RED’s propriety engine, and although the team is trying its best to “maximize” for the “really powerful” Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro, it’s too early to say what they can achieve. It’s running on a high-spec PC. It’s the next generation of our own proprietary engine – and speaking frankly, we’re still working on the rendering so I hope we can get more [out of it]. The current gen consoles are really powerful, especially talking about Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. We’ll do our best to maximize for those, but it’s too early to say exactly what we can achieve – and the PC version will always be above that, because it’s constantly upgraded and improved in terms of the hardware we can gain access to. But it should look great on current consoles.
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