July PS4 Games You Need to Play - Videogames Blogs

July PS4 Games You Need to Play

Despite being a slow month compared to how massive August looks to be, July was still filled with a wide array of game releases. In fact, we ended up reviewing 27 titles that released in July 2017. That’s a lot of games, and more titles than most gamers can justifiably play. Not that everything was worth playing as some games were disappointing releases that were broken (looking at you, Micro Machines World Series) and others were just bad.
The good definitely outweighed the bad, however. There ended up being 10 July PS4 games that ended up scoring 8/10 or higher. To help make sure nobody misses these gems, we’ve compiled a list of our highest reviewed games of the month. We’ve also linked to our reviews, that way players can get a better look at whether or not each game is for them before they spend their hard earned money.
July PS4 Games You Need to Play

Chandler Wood writes in their review:
"Another visually noteworthy PSVR game, Archangel blends immersive storytelling with a complex rail shoote...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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