Latest Episode of God of War Podcast Explores Backstory of Game - Videogames Blogs

Latest Episode of God of War Podcast Explores Backstory of Game

Earlier today, Sony launched a brand new video on the upcoming God of War, detailing the official backstory from the world of the upcoming game. As part of “The Lost Pages of Norse Myth” podcast series, Sony has continued to update fans with both sneak peeks at characters and story information for God of War. You can check out a brief snippet of the podcast below:

In the latest entry, ?Like Father, Like Son,? we follow a young Atreus on his first journey out into the Norse Wilds. Make sure to give it a listen above, and if you’re interested, give the full podcast a listen over at the PlayStation website.
For more on the upcoming God of War, make sure to check out our preview of the game from E3 2017:
God of War is back, and it has brought with it some fresh ideas. Not only in gameplay, with a helper character, truly defensive options, and the removal of blatant button prompts. But also in the world from which this game?s mythology is drawn from. Kratos continues to struggle despite a lengthy period of self-imposed isolation. Meanwhile, his son appears to be just as willing and able to conquer his fears and vanquish enemies as Kratos. Yet there remain so many unanswered questions: what is in that satchel Kratos is seen handing to Atreus" What happened to Kratos while he was away from the world" Who was Atreus? mother" Or that woman talking to him" By leaving these things unanswered, Sony Santa Monica has left us all talking amongst our...

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