Latest Need for Speed Payback Trailer Shows off Car Customization - Videogames Blogs

Latest Need for Speed Payback Trailer Shows off Car Customization

Customizability has been one of Need for Speed‘s most iconic elements in the past decade, and Need for Speed Payback is making sure it’s one of their key selling points. Electronic Arts put out a new trailer today for the Ghost Games’ developed racer focusing on that aspect, which includes the ability to find “derelicts.” This new addition will allow players to find vintage vehicles and then restore them, and eventually turn them into “one-of-a kind supercar beasts.”
Check out the new trailer below:

While the trailer touches on these elements, they’re all fully detailed over at Need for Speed Payback‘s official website. Here’s how Electronic Arts describes the new derelict system: There?s nothing better than creating your own one of a kind car but what if you could take that one step further and build it from scrap" In Need for Speed Payback we?re adding a new type of car, something we?re calling Derelicts.
Derelicts are cars that you build up, from nothing but scrap, to stock and ultimately supercar. But to start any Derelict project, you?re going to need to find a chassis, from there on your one of a kind ride awaits.
Once you?ve found a chassis you?ll see it in your garage, waiting for you to find the parts that make it complete. If you don?t have an open slot available you?ll be prompted to finish or cancel your existing project or acquire an additional garage.
Alongside the chassis you?ll also need ...

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