Learn How Ni no Kuni II’s Kingdom Builder Mode Came to Be - Videogames Blogs

Learn How Ni no Kuni II’s Kingdom Builder Mode Came to Be

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom has gone officially gold, so it’s time to learn more about the upcoming role-playing game. One of the most exciting additions to the sequel is the ability to build your own kingdom. That’s the focus of the latest trailer for the game, which is a deep dive into the feature’s development.
Check out the Ni no Kuni II kingdom building trailer below:

If you want even more information on Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, you can always check our E3 preview:
Every so often a truly unique gem rises above the rest of the games, and some of these titles are strong enough to shine long far beyond their release year. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is one such game, having landed as our RPG of the year in 2013 in spite of it being an English port of the Japanese version that released in 2011. That?s right, it was that good. Ni no Kuni meshes stunning Studio Ghibli style art with some of the best JRPG mechanics to create one of the few games that I was ever sad to get a Platinum on, just because the adventure had come to an end. The announcement of Ni no Kuni 2 has me back on the edge of my seat and E3 2017 finally gave me a chance to go hands-on with it, if only for a brief period. Once again, Level 5 is blurring the line between interactivity and animation. Headed by an all-star development team straight from Studio Ghibli, and the same team that made the first game, Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is in good hands....
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