LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Using All-New Engine Never Before Used by LEGO Games - Videogames Blogs

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Using All-New Engine Never Before Used by LEGO Games

Now that the epic nine-film Star Wars Skywalker Saga has come to a close, developer Traveller?s Tales wants to create a unified LEGO game experience from Episode I to Episode IX. Titled LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, the game will cover the events of all nine Star Wars movies, in LEGO form. Yes, there have been other Star Wars LEGO games, but this is an all-new game of its own, not a collection of the past releases. An interview with Nintendo Everything, Creative Lead Arthur Parsons provided some additional details about the upcoming saga. The Skywalker Saga was put in development after LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens was finished. While the thought of doing individual games for episodes 8 and 9 appealed to Traveller?s Tales, they decided it was time to sit down and get everything in one single game.
We did Episode 7, and at the time we looked at that and we thought that?s a great experience, and rather than just do 8 next time, let?s do a whole thing. Let?s rebuild it from the ground up, from scratch. This isn?t like a normal LEGO game. This is a big step-up for us, so we wanted to take the opportunity to take that big step up with all new tech, and just make it the ultimate Star Wars celebration. All nine movies.

While most of the interview deals with the Nintendo Switch version of the game, there were some interesting tidbits that apply to all versions. The biggest, however" The Skywalker Saga is running on an all-new engine with all-new tech behind it....

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