Make Sure You Have Room for the 30GB Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. Patch

There are two Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. sessions left before the game officially launches. Bethesda is keen to ensure the sessions offer smooth experiences, especially considering the troubles that previously plagued the beta. To do so, a 30GB update has been launched. Beta users can download the patch now, ahead of the penultimate session which goes live at 1 pm ET on November 6, 2018.
The update has some changes to enemy balance, improves its performance, makes it more stable, and fixes several bugs. Also, expect to put more work into your Throwing Knives and Tomahawks!
To see all of the changes being implemented, check the official patch notes below.
Stability: The Fallout 76 game client and servers have received significant stability improvements. Performance: Several issues have been addressed to resolve hitches during gameplay and other performance issues.
Many mid and high-level enemies have received additional balance adjustments. Some notable changes include:
Scorched: Health and Damage Resistance have been increased for mid- and high-level Scorched.
Super Mutants: Health and Damage Resistance have been slightly decreased for mid- and high-level Super Mutants.
Melee Damage: Melee damage has been increased across many mid- and high-level enemies, particularly Mirelurks and Mirelurk Hunters.
Crafting: Material requirements to craft Throwing Knives and Tomahawks have been increased. Additionally, Throwing Kni...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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