Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Studio Working on New Original IP for Consoles - Videogames Blogs

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Studio Working on New Original IP for Consoles

Armature, the studio behind Borderlands: The Handsome Collection and Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, has announced that it’s working on a new original IP for consoles, and an original IP for VR alongside co-developing Forntite.
The announcement was made via a tweet advertising job vacancies at the studio:

Some exciting projects happening at Armature: an original IP console project; an original IP VR project; co-development on Fortnite… and we are having a blast doing it!

We are seeking ENGINEERS to join our talented teams on these awesome projects!
? Armature Studio (@ArmatureStudio) March 1, 2018

Armature was recently thrust into the limelight when Reddit users discovered that the studio listed Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for PlayStation 4 in its portfolio. Just as speculations began, Armature shot them down by stating that the listing was a “typo” made by the studio’s web developer. The error has now been fixed. Whatever Armature is working on next is still a mystery. The studio is currently look for a gameplay engineer, generalist engineer, graphics engineer, and a game designer. The job descriptions provided don’t reveal much.
Armature recently developed Dead Star for PlayStation 4 and ReCore for Xbox One. Both titles were also released on PC.
[Source: ResetEra]
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