Monster Hunter: World Will Add Deviljho With Post-Release Update Patch - Videogames Blogs

Monster Hunter: World Will Add Deviljho With Post-Release Update Patch

Capcom has just held a live stream in Japan where they revealed more brand-new information on the highly anticipated Monster Hunter: World. In this event, Capcom has published the new sixth trailer for the game that confirms the additions of more Elder Dragons. The popular Teostra and Kushala Daora are confirmed joining the game’s monster roster along with more brand-new monsters.
Another major news coming from this event is that Capcom has also confirmed that more monsters will be added to the game through post-release update patches. The first of which will be Deviljho, the famous brute wyvern that made its debut in Monster Hunter: Tri, and it will be added to World later in this Spring. Players will not need to make additional purchases to be able to access quests with these monsters; they only need to keep their game copy up-to-date with the patches. Finally, to prepare for Monster Hunter: World‘s release, Capcom will hold another beta test session from January 19 to 22. In this third session, a fourth quest is added where players will be able to hunt the game’s powerful flagship monster, Nergigante.
Monster Hunter: World will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One worldwide on January 26. A PC version is also under development and will be released later in Fall 2018.

[Source: Capcom]
The post Monster Hunter: World Will Add Deviljho With Post-Release Update Patch appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.


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