More Than Easter Eggs – Why I Believe Days Gone Is A Sequel To Syphon Filter - Videogames Blogs

More Than Easter Eggs – Why I Believe Days Gone Is A Sequel To Syphon Filter

Several weeks ago some Easter eggs were discovered within Bend Studio?s Days Gone that hint toward the game being a sequel to Syphon Filter, the series that Bend Studio is most known for. I believe these Easter eggs to be more than just fan service, and I want to talk about evidence that supports this theory. Before I touch on that though, let?s go over some of Syphon Filter?s history. The first Syphon Filter released for the original PlayStation back in 1999 when Bend Studio was still called Eidetic. You played as Gabe Logan, an international spy for the IPCA (International Presidential Consulting Agency) who was tasked with stopping terrorists from using a bioweapon called Syphon Filter.
The game was a massive success, and opened the door for the series to continue. There were three Syphon Filter games released for the PS1. The aforementioned Syphon Filter, Syphon Filter 2 (2000), and Syphon Filter 3 (2001). The series continued after that as well. Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain was released for the PlayStation 2 in 2004. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror was released for the PS2 and PSP in 2006, and lastly, Syphon Filter: Logan?s Shadow released for the PSP in 2007. The series always focused on stopping bio terrorism before the world was thrown into chaos. Sound familiar" It just might if you?ve played Days Gone.
Does this look familiar to you" Hello NERO!
One of the immediate things you will notice if you are a fan of the Syphon Filter series and have pla...

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