Naughty Dog Looking to Recruit Economy Designer for Live-Service Multiplayer Game Rumored to be Set in The Last of Us Universe - Videogames Blogs

Naughty Dog Looking to Recruit Economy Designer for Live-Service Multiplayer Game Rumored to be Set in The Last of Us Universe

Naughty Dog is currently recruiting for an Economy Designer for a multiplayer title. As spotted by GameSpot, the job advert will involve co-operating with the Live Ops team to implement an economy system into a live-service game. Rumors currently circulating believe this game will be set within the world of The Last of Us.
There are no details on the game itself, and most of the job criteria is standard fare for a live service title. The right candidate will be expected to ?create avenues for self-expression for our players, ensure robust longevity to our games, and give our players great rewards to strive for?, which will be achieved through designing game economy and player progression systems. As the Economy Designer must also ?collaborate extensively with other departments, especially Programming, Character, and UI to drive production on code and art assets necessary to the player economy?, this suggests some of those progression rewards will be things like new characters and costumes.
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