New Digimon Survive Game Announced, Coming to Japan in 2019 - Videogames Blogs

New Digimon Survive Game Announced, Coming to Japan in 2019

Weekly Jump has unveiled a new Digimon game titled Digimon Survive. It’s unclear where this game will take place, whether it’s a sequel to the Digimon World series or the Digimon Story series, if it’ll see a Western release, and more. More details can be found on the Japanese blog, ryokutya, but a Twitter user named BlackKite has translated some of the information from the blog.
New Digimon game for console finally revealed! Digimon Survive, a survival SRPG that combines 2D & 3D with lots of genres coming to PS4 & Switch in 2019 Digimon Survive -Conversations have 2D images, also have choices that will change story or even evolutions -Seems like click&point-style field investigations -Battles are strategy-style with square grids, has Energy as key factor -Protag is 8th grader with Agumon as partner According to GearNuke, “This is the first time Digimon has made it to the Nintendo Switch. The last 3 Digimon games were released for the PS4 and PS Vita. These include Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and its sequel, while one of them was a Digimon World successor.” There’s no official confirmation of a Western release, but if the other Digimon games made it overseas, it’s safe to assume that Digimon Survive will make it overseas as well. More details about Digimon Survive will be shared at an upcoming Digimon event on July 29.


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