New Expansion for Armored Warfare Lets Players Fight in the Caribbean - Videogames Blogs

New Expansion for Armored Warfare Lets Players Fight in the Caribbean

Developer and global publisher had announced that the latest expansion for Armored Warfare is currently available for the PlayStation 4. Known as Caribbean Crisis, the expansion will be available for download for players currently enjoying the game.
The expansion adds tons of new improvements to the game?s core experience, as well as a new game mode called ?Special Operations.? This new mode consists of several challenging Player-versus-Environment missions that connect to a large, overarching narrative. Caribbean Crisis is set on gorgeous places such as the Mojave Desert, Panama Canal, and Jamaica, all in the year 2042. Three new story-driven co-operative missions will give players the chance to discover a story of betrayal and vengeance, as they participate in certain even flags that will greatly affect the world of Armored Warfare. New features of the game include the following:

New Maps and Overhauls: With Narrows and Waterway two completely new maps are added to the Global Operations mode. Additionally, the three PvE maps Operation Ricochet, Hydra and Perseus have been improved and overhauled.
New Commander system: The update introduces a new commander system.  The commanders now have 15 ranks instead of the previous 5 levels and each in-game rank name corresponds to a real military rank now. Rank 11 or higher is only unlockable for any commander if the player owns a second commander of the previous rank and so on. Every level provides the commander with on...

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