New Fate/Extella Link Playable Servants Will be Announced Soon - Videogames Blogs

New Fate/Extella Link Playable Servants Will be Announced Soon

Marvelous and Type-Moon have announced on their official Fate/Extella Twitter account that they will hold a Fate/Extella Link live stream on March 14 where they will finally announce more brand-new playable Servant characters that are to be added to this game.
The Japanese tweet reads as follows:
[New Information] On Wednesday March 14, from 18:00, we will have a Fate/Extella Link live stream on Periscope! Also, an announcement of new playable Servant in the stream!" Our official Periscope account is here -> #FateEX #NewPlayableServant
Note that the time listed, 18:00, is using Japan’s time zone of UTC+9. In other time zones, you can catch up at 09:00 AM GMT, 05:00 AM EDT, and 02:00 AM PDT. This stream is only planned to be aired at their Periscope page; there is no information on whether they will also stream at other platforms or not. Fate/Extella Link is the side-sequel of Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star, a Dynasty Warriors-like high-speed hack-and-slash action game featuring Servant characters from Type-Moon’s popular Fate franchise. Link will add a total of ten new Servants to the playable roster.So far we already know four of them: Charlemagne, Francis Drake, Astolfo, and Scathach. And the remaining six are still being teased with their classes as a hint: two Archers, a Caster, two Berserkers, and a Ruler.
Fate/Extella Link will be released for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in Japan on June 7.
[Source: Marvelous]
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