Now Loading…Should Sony Release a PSOne Mini" - Videogames Blogs

Now Loading…Should Sony Release a PSOne Mini"

With last week’s news that Nintendo was purportedly planning on releasing a SNES Mini later this year, and given how fantastic the NES Mini was received by fans, we got to thinking: should Sony jump on the bandwagon and release a PSOne Mini"
In this week’s Now Loading, that’s the question the PlayStation LifeStyle crew answers. And yes, we all know that if Sony does indeed do it that it’s copying Nintendo, so please spare everyone the sermon or whatever since most of us won’t care if Sony copies Nintendo if that means we’ll get to play our fave classics in one convenient package.
Now Loading...Should Sony Release a PSOne Mini

Heath Hindman

Only if they want millions and millions of the dollars.

Paulmichael Contreras
It'd feel like blatant copying, but as we can see there's a huge market for nostalgia. Not to mention, the games we remember taking quite a while to load would suddenly load extremely quickly owing to this hypothetical unit's flash storage. I'd say if Sony does this, t...

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